

Accompany Detective Rando in his Uzerche quest !


Randoland trails are made just like a treasure hunt to solve riddles.


You have 3 levels of trails :

- from 4 up to 6 years-old

- from 7 up to 9 years-old

- from 9 up to 12 years-old


With your Randoland cards, you child turns into a explorer in order to the whole family can go for a walk solving the fun riddles proposed to you.


Departure at the Station Sport Nature Vézère Passion

Base de la Minoterie

19140 Uzerche



Tel: 05 55 73 02 84

Download the trails cards


On the website of the Station Sport Nature Vézère Passion

On the website Randoland.fr



Trails already printed are available at the tourist office or at the Base de la Minoterie.