
Rare are the villages that moved in history. However, that is exactly what happened for Eyburie, before located on a hill dominating the Vézère Valley. It is likely that the building of the church in 1844 led to the birth of the current village.


The Vézère riverbanks and the walk paths are the strong points of Eyburie.

Pope Gregory VIII (Maurice Bourdin)


He was born in Eyburie at the place-called Viozelange and died in 1126.

Antipope from 1118 to 1121.

In 1095, he went to Portugal and became the archbishop of Braga, and enthroned Emperor Henri V despite the pope opinion.


Henri, displeased of the pope Gelasius II, made Bourdin pope in 1118 under the name Gregory VIII; but the prince abandoned him and Bourdin was besieged in Sutri by Calixt II, Gelasius successor. Bourdin was taken and locked away in a monastery, where he died in 1137.  

Take the Back to the roots path thought the nature. 

Contact hall town

Tel: 05 55 73 21 61

Mail: mairie.eyburie@wanadoo.fr


Site: mairieeyburie.wixsite.com/commune-d-eyburie